
I really like the differences between the different camera options in the presets, they come with a lot of versatility and potential. Having said that, I think the freelook camera would be incredibly confusing and off-putting for players, perhaps I’m wrong. The Multi-purpose camera is a really cool idea, I like the way it follows the character about.

My ideal camera for the game I have in mind is the initial one we created. In other games I’d like a camera much like the one you see in MMO’s like World of Warcraft. It’s basic but puts you into the world, shows you the details you need and can be adjusted by the player to fit their playstyle.

I’m looking forward to playing around with the camera we have a little more to see if there are tweaks that can be made to improve it in any way.

I agree that the free-look camera is disorientating for a player, you immediately feel out of control. It works better on button click. Not the scroll though because that’s always a pain to press down. Alt works better for it. And yes, the ideal camera is this one and it even has a little gentle feel to it as a result of the player model.

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