Camera Size and Aspect Ratio

I have a question about the unit size when you set it on inspector.

If you have a aspect ratio 4:3 then the total height in units would be 6 and the width 8 right?

So if I set the size to 6 (half of the height) the total would be 12 and the width, logically would be 14 units. So why on the video he told it is 8 (total: 16 units)?

It may be a silly question, but I really didn’t get it!


Hi Marcel,

Welcome to our forum. :slight_smile:

The camera size is defined as 1/2 screen height. Since our screen is 12 WU high, the camera size is 6. Where does 14 come from?

Hey Nina! Thanks =)

Actually on the video the instructor said that if you have a 12 value as height when you define the size = 6, then the width is equal to 16. But I didn’t understand how he got to that conclusion.

Logically for me, based on the explanation I thought it would be 14… thats where I came with this value.

We are talking about aspect ratios. 4:3 is the same as x:12. 4 is the longer side, 3 the shorter side.

Therefore, we can do the following:

4 : 3 = x : 12
(4 : 3) * 12 = x
(4 * 12) / 3 = x // divide 12 by 3
4 * 4 = x
16 = x

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Got it! Now I understood how to calculate it!

Thank you so much! :wink:

There is an even simpler/ more graspable way.

4:3 = 1.3333333 (for the long side)
3:4 = 0.75

Since we know the short side, which is 12 WU high, we can simply multiply the long side, which is x, by 0.75.

x * 0.75 = 12
x = 12 / 0.75
x = 16


x = 12 * 1.33333
x = 16

The latter is not recommended, though, because 1.33333 is not precise, thus the result won’t be precise either.

A better alternative would be:

x = 12 * (4 / 3)
x = (12 / 3) * 4
x = 4 * 4
x = 16

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Thats a great explanation!! It’s really a better way to find it!

Also with a rule of 3 it works too:

3 ---- 6
4 ---- x

3x = 24
x = 24/3
x = 8 (half of the WU)

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