Camera relative location is FVector(0,0,0) in editor view

Unreal Engine 5.02
Visual Studio Community 2022

The issue:
My spring arm and camera operate as expected in every way - except in editor view, and even then only when i release the mosue button.

So this is the result after draggin my tank BP into the world:

but just moments before i release the mouse button to drop it into the world, the camea is placed at the end of the spring arm as expected.

Things that work:

Whilst possessing the pawn:

After ejecting from the pawn:

I tested changing the blocking mode of the meshes and the capusle component but i’ve since discovered that the issue was the location of the springarm - it defaulted to 0,0,0 - but if I moved it up by 13cm or so it was behaving fine. I ‘Think’ that means that the camera collision probe size (which was 12 cm in my case) was hitting the ground and the springarm therefore was behaving as it should - by shrinkign down to avoid blocking my view.

The logical fix therefore is to move the springarm’s original location up by at least the size of your probe.

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