Camera moves when character moves

Hello all,

After some finangling, I finally got my character to move (Using 5.3. Had to take a different approach). But when I move the player left, right, or backward, the camera jumps to the left or the right (depending which direction I’m trying to move. I tried to upload a video, but apparently I’m not allowed, so I hope my description will suffice. Anybody have any ideas what setting I need to change to smooth it out?

Figured it out! (Kind of). I had checked the “Orient rotation to movement” box under the character movement component. Because I wanted the character to turn in the direction he’s moving. He wasn’t doing that anyway. So I unchecked the box and it fixed the camera issue. I’m sure the instructor will go into how to make the mesh turn toward the direction of movement in a future lesson.

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I’m glad you were able to work out the solution. I am curious though, what you do you mean when you said you had to take a different approach for UE 5.3?

Well I had to use the enhanced action input system since this video hasn’t been updated to show how to do that. So the blueprints are different as well as setting up the IMC. I’ve done it once before on another project, but I forgot how I did it so had to relearn. I think it’ll be something I need to do a bunch of times before it’s muscle memory.

Gotcha, technically you can still use the old input system used by the course. Even if it’s listed as “deprecated”

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