On Suzanne in church…well sort of had no time, and wanted to move on, figured its better than cube since I do nothave anything smart to put in scene at this point
Anyway I faced some weird behavior of cameras after placing them under empty…one of them got totally moved away from the spot where I placed it, and if I would move it back, I would mess the position of other two cameras as well…any ideas?
Did you move your cameras using Shift+F while setting view to active cameras (Numpad 0) ?
It seems like doing so move the other cameras as well, it happened to me (in 2.79 at least)
That being said, it happened whether or not they are under an empty.
To clear that up, what I do is setting up the view in fly mode (Shift + F) first, then align active camera to view (Ctrl + Alt + Numpad 0).
Cheers !