Camera child - static and now following

Hello! I have created the timeline of the ship flying for 5 seconds along with some enemy timelines and it works great in scene view and even game view with the camera following the player the whole way only when I click play on the Timeline itself. I made the camera a child of the player game object so I was assuming the camera would stay attached behind the player as it does when Rick plays it in game mode, but when I play in game mode the timeline runs but the camera just sits in the starting position.

Is there a setting I have triggered that’s stopping the camera from staying behind the player?

Thank you!



You are right. If the camera is a child of the player and the player moves, the camera should automatically follow the player.

If it does not, check if something overrides the position of the camera. Maybe the Timeline. Also check if there is a second camera in your scene.

Thank you! I went route of just creating a cinemachine virtual camera to follow and that is working. I am guessing if I went back that I probably had something overriding the camera position.

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