Calling Functions in C++

Everything seems clear and straight-forward in the video. I can get the cube to move, however what happens to me doesn’t match the video. When I copy the location, the BP_ThirdPerson… spawns within the cube, rather than directly in front of it. That makes sense to me, because I copied the location yet in the video the cube appears directly in front of the character.

Did I miss something important here regarding two objects occupying the same space or something? I corrected the cube by simply adjusting the X vector value and it works fine.

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hmm maybe you have no collision on either the cube or BP_third person

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I agree with that conclusion as this is what it looks like with outlines for the collision

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Hello All, thanks for your responses! I suspected collision was the problem at first, but I never changed anything related to the collision information (they’re default as far as I know).

In the cube Collision:
Generate Overlap Events During Level Streaming: False
Update Overlaps Method During Level Streaming: Use Config Default
Default Update Overlaps Method During Level Streaming: Only Update Moveable (greyed out)

For the Character, I’m not sure which level would be the most relevant here. I assumed the Mesh component so I’ve included that information below:
Generate Overlap Events: False
Can Character Step Up On: (Owner)
Collision Presets: CharacterMesh
Simulation generates Hit Events: False
Phys Material Override: None
Advanced Submenu: (all values false)

I’ll play around with it when I have time later today and update if I can find the solution myself. Thanks again everyone!

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