Calculate Direction

I am trying to complete this lesson and keep running into the issue where the actor will not get the direction. The speed works since the actor runs but it will not use the blend space that was created. I also noticed version 4.22.3 of Unreal that the Calculate Direction no longer is executable. I have set the output to a variable that I can call in the state machine for the direction. I am not sure what to do at this point to make this work. Any ideas would be appreciated. I have spent about 2 hours trying to build/rebuild this blueprint and the output is always the same. The actor moves forward and backwards but never takes the rotation into account.


This is for Unreal. I would
Post there instead of of unity. I moved it over.

FYI I also ran into the same problem and part of it is a version issue. But I never got around to debugging it. But I can tell you that if you download the lesson from the git repository and upgrade it to your version it works fine. Not sure why.

Yes the calculate direction doesn’t have an execution pin anymore so just wire it up like anything. Even when you upgrade the project, that is what you will see. I just never circled back to figure out what was missing.

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