Hey guys,
I’m on Unreal Engine 4.26.1, I Need help with AddDynamic in this specific lecture. Instructor Rob said that there are errors with compiling this code:
ProjectileMesh->OnComponentHit.AddDynamic(this, &AProjectileBase::OnHit);
and the solution was to delete and recreate the the BP_ProjectileBase but it doesnt work for me.
Things I tried:
• moved the code under begin play and compiled, still get the error
• Deleted the BP_ProjectileBase blueprint and recompiled, I get the error.
• Deleted the BP_ProjectileBase blueprint and move the code under begin play and compiled, still get the error
• Deleted the BP_ProjectileBase blueprint and recompiled within VS Code, still get the error
• Deleted the BP_ProjectileBase blueprint, and move the code under begin play and recompiled within VS Code, still get the error
I searched the forums and google but im not getting any positive results. please send help