C++ Adding Classes

I wanted to Add a class that contains Position data.
class UEscapePlayerExactPosition
FVector* PlayerViewPointLocation;
FRotator* PlayerViewPointRotation;

I am refactoring my code to clean things up.

My files got placed into the Intermediate folder, but I read that, that folder is for Temporary files. If i need to add my own classes where\how is the proper way to do this?

Use the class generation wizard in Unreal. You can choose None if you don’t need to inherit anything.

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Awesome thanks so much. One last question on this. I don’t see the classes show up in Unreal, can i assume its safe to delete these types of classes directly in Visual Studio if i need to remove one? I noticed that i can’t Delete components directly from Visual Studio.

I would make sure nothing is using it before doing so e.g. placed in the level or used in blueprint at all icluding being inherited from.

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