C# 2d development

after playing for a while the value gets stuck


I’m sorry to hear that you are stuck but the information isn’t enough for me to help you. Could you please share more information on what you did in your project? What have you already tried to fix the problem? Have you already compared your code to the Lecture Project Changes which can be found in the Resources of this lecture?

ive copied his code from the github and the same error happens, i guess i should just keep going with the course because this section probably was done just for basic understanding of c#. but thank you very much for your attention Nina, sorry to bother you with this…

That’s great. Have you already rewatched the lecture at least one more time?

ive copied his code from the github and the same error happens, i guess i should just keep going with the course because this section probably was done just for basic understanding of c#. but thank you very much for your attention Nina, sorry to bother you with this…

I can’t be 100% sure But I think we are misunderstanding what stuck means in this case. With the code used in number wizard if we keep clicking higher it will eventually get “stuck” at 1000 same thing if we only click lower it should get “stuck” at 1/0 (don’t remember which we used). Like wise if we have a mix of higher and lower eventually it will get “stuck” at a certain number because we are slowly removing options that the code can pick from and eventually we end up with one number and can’t go any further.

I would recommend not to proceed with the course if you do not know what caused the error and if this error is not fixed. Otherwise, it might be that there will be more errors based on the first one, or additional ones, which makes it really hard to debug your project. The decision is up to you, though. You can always download Rick’s project from GitHub.

I agree with what @David_Lamonaca wrote. If you want help, try to describe the problem as precisely as possible. Your problem could be a bug, or it could be a misunderstanding.

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