bWantsBeginPlay & OpenDoor component

  1. What is the significance of the “bWantsBeginPlay” Boolean? This line was not Generated on UE 4.24 and my solution only compiles if this line is not present. See error message below:

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error (active) E0020 identifier “bWantsBeginPlay” is undefined BuildingEscape

  1. Furthermore, the OpenDoor component does not show up in Unreal. I have tried building, and rebuilding my solution in Visual Studio, as well as compiling from Unreal, but alas, no OpenDoor component to be found. Is this possibly related to my first point, or are there any suggestions on a way forward?

  2. My Code can be found here ->

Many Thanks…

Dupe: bWantsBeginPlay & OpenDoor component

(also the repo is private)

Sorry. Having troubles with my internet connection, hence the duplicate. Also, I set the repo to Public, but due to my connection, I am unable push to the repo, so it is empty.

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