Every bush is spawning 2 coins. I’ve narrowed down the problem to their being 2 colliders on the bush, the trigger collider for destructible and the non-trigger capsule collider so you can’t walk through the bushes.
I’ve triple checked and only the circle collider is a trigger, the other collider is not. If I turn off the capsule collider (non-trigger collider) , I get only 1 coin but if I turn that back on and turn off the trigger collider, it still spawns a coin.
So both the trigger collider and the non-trigger collider are causing OnTriggerEnter2D to fire
private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other) {
if(TryGetComponent(out PickupSpawner spawner))
Instantiate(destroyParticles, transform.position, Quaternion.identity);