Well, just did a render, and my ears seem to be having some sort of issue with hair on one side, but not on the other (in random patches):
Poor bunny, might have to put him down.
Well, just did a render, and my ears seem to be having some sort of issue with hair on one side, but not on the other (in random patches):
Poor bunny, might have to put him down.
may be a normals issue, try flipping them to see if that fixes it
Nice and fluffy.
You render hair with a lot children.
So if the ears have some (one, two, three) parent hair particles, The children for the parent get the same properties, on that spot it’s dense. In principle you need more parent hair particles. Increasing the chance of a parent hair particle to cover the ear in all directions (adding more faces and increased weight).
I think the ears were the hardest part for me to do. The hair just didn’t want to lay right regardless what I did! I had to spend more time combing them than I did the rest of the model and a lot of test viewport renders.
Jordan and FedPete both made good suggestions you might want to try.