Bunny in particle grass

I had to play around a bit because I kept running out of video memory. Here is my rough image. I also made the background image invisible for now even though it is still lighting the scene.


Here is a render with more samples. Once I increased the samples I started to have memory issues again,and had to make more adjustments.



Looking great! A couple of things, I would change though.

Making the hair particles on the rabbit translucent will give a fluffier and more natural look to it and I would add more grey to the ground texture if I were you.

It’s looking really really good!

Thank you. I was thinking I probably also need to add a little emission to the hair material as well. Right now I have just been trying to follow the lessons. I was hoping that we would examine the hair materials in more depth and then I would fix it but it seems like we are already past that. I will keep your observations in mind when I go back and clean everything up which I plan on doing before moving on to the game asset section.

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Well, just if you’re curious, this is what I did for my hair.

You need to search for “Hair Info” in the node editor and the intercept node is the one that affects ALONg the hair strands from base to tip. So using a mixed shader in the set up will make the base of the hair reflective and the tip of the hair transmissive which gives a really nice, natural effect for animal hair.


You can replace the image texture node with a raw colour node and connect it to each Hair BSDF node.

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