Bunny Completed


Wow ! :clap::clap::clap: :1st_place_medal:
Such a high level of shapes. The head is spot on (well I think). You’ve spend a lot time on this and it paid off.

Thank you FedPete.
I love sculpting with caly in real life too. Perhaps that is the reason I could do it and it is very easy in blender as compared to other apps like Z-Brush and Mud-Box.


Ahh, that’s explains it :wink:
Because, in my young years. I hated the feeling of clay, during sessions at school. Creating ashtrays in combination with plaster. I rather be sitting behind the computer.
I would say stick to it. Because you are able to craft much more life like objects.
Again well done, I hope to see the final end result.

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Thanks again
Yes I am trying to do my best.

Final Scene



Very impressive! :smiley:


What a fantastic scene, this is really really good!

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Thank you @Mark_Jackson @Chucksta :blush:

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The process :slight_smile:


Wow excellent video! Thanks for the mention, it’s been a real pleasure watching you create this amazing scene! I can’t wait to see what you create in the future sections of the course :slight_smile:

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Thank you Mark,

Trying to learn :slight_smile:

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Super cool. I’m looking forward to trying my hand at this.

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