Bullet stopped coming out

After doing Ben’s refactoring-ish thing of re organizing the folder structure, my bullet is not coming out anymore when I play the game.

Funny, mine did that too after I reorganised my folders. I went back to my previous commit and the particles reappeared. I’m not sure what the problem is becaue I didn’t move the Bullet prefab at all, although I did move my Spaceship prefab into a new Prefab folder. So far a real mystery. I’m using Unity 2020.1.

EDIT: worked it out - for some reason the Play On Awake tickbox had turned itself off on both instances of Bullets when I moved them out of my Particles folder and dropped them into Prefabs. This isn’t something I did purposefully so I’m not sure why it got turned off. Re-ticking those boxes re-enabled the particles in the Player.

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