BullCow Game not printing text on the terminal

Hello there, I am currently working on the BullCow Game and have got to adding components to the terminal, I have done this, however, the text is not displaying, I have tried compiling the code, restarting UE, And tried to re-add the component several times to no avail. If anyone has any idea why I would love to hear it.

- The component I’ve attached.
- The terminal when I play the game even with the component attached.
- What is should be doing.(Taken from the course)
- The code for the .cpp file.
- Edit I’ve just seen a blue squiggle that says the file path couldn’t be found and the error just went away on its own. This is the code from the .h File

Hi friend! I think you may have missed a section of one of the videos, your BullCowCartridge code files just don’t have enough content to be doing anything to the terminal yet. The cartridge doesn’t look to be doing anything at all, since the only thing being called is Super::BeginPlay().

You might want to re-watch the last few videos to see if you missed any instructions along the way.

As for your blue squiggles, if you add a new c++ file from unreal, you’ll need to refresh visual studio code from within Unreal in order for your intellisense to know where to look for those files. That’s often where the squiggles under header files come from, and can be fixed by restarting your VS code or refreshing from within UE.

Good luck with your studies,


Thank your for the reply! Any idea what may be missing? I’m rewatching the video’s and I’m not too sure what may be missing.

Sorry for the delayed response; did you figure it out yet? I think you may just not have actually reached the part of the course where text is added to the terminal. It looks to me like section 45 is where that happens. It looks to me like your code is only the very beginnings of the cartridge and there is no PRINTLINE commands, so nothing would show in the terminal yet. I hope this helps!


Hello! Sorry for the late response, I moved on to the next lecture and the first thing it showed was the game working. I deducted that the Bull Cartirage already set up the code for me and I assumed that was its function but after watching the lecture I realized there was more to watch. Thankfully I’ve moved on to the next part which is printing text to the Terminal.

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