BullCow Extra - Wordle type Hint

For my extra, I decided to add visual hints if the letters are in the right place or not, something like Wordle.
Instead of returning the count of Bulls and Cows, I created a function that returns a Hint FString, with a # for a Bull, a + for a Cow, and a . otherwise:

in BullCowCartridge.h:

	FString GetHint(const FString& Guess) const;

in BullCowCartridge.cpp:

FString UBullCowCartridge::GetHint(const FString& Guess) const
	FString Hint(TEXT(""));

	FString GuessLower = Guess.ToLower();
	FString HiddenWordLower = HiddenWord.ToLower();

	for (int GuessIndex = 0; GuessIndex < GuessLower.Len(); ++GuessIndex)
		if (GuessIndex < HiddenWordLower.Len() && GuessLower[GuessIndex] == HiddenWordLower[GuessIndex])
			Hint += TEXT("#");

		bool Found = false;
		for (int HiddenIndex = 0; HiddenIndex < HiddenWordLower.Len(); ++HiddenIndex)
			if (GuessLower[GuessIndex] == HiddenWordLower[HiddenIndex])
				Hint += TEXT("+");
				Found = true;

		if (!Found)
			Hint += TEXT(".");

	return Hint;

and at the end of ProcessGuess:

	const FString Hint = GetHint(Guess);

	PrintLine(TEXT("Wrong word! You now have %i lives..."), Lives);
	PrintLine(TEXT("Hint: %s\n      %s"), *Guess.ToUpper(), *Hint);

That was fun, thanks for the course!

hey nice idea I haven’t looked at your code yet and will give a try

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