Bull cow zip problem

I downloaded the bull cow zip it is missing folders has no exe so I can not open the program

Thank you !! but I fixed my Owen issue, after closing all programs several time nothing worked so I did a computer restart when I launched unreal engine unreal popped up with the uproject files were not synced with unreal engine would you like to fix now I clicked yes then ran the uproject again and it converted just fine this process was not very well explained in the video so I thought I would post it here to help others that may have the same problem now I can launch out of the project folder

Well judging by the screenshot you didn’t unzip the project?

yes I did the bull cow folder looked the same, it unzipped just like that to it own folder in my projects folder. That’s why I was so frustrated. I downloaded win rar winzip 7zip and all of them unzipped to its bull cow folder just as you see it in the winrar pic in order for it to work i had to do the work around i had mentioned in my post after I got it associated with unreal engine I did nothing more than go to my folder and ran it. Then it did like it showed in the video re constructed the program and opened like it showed. so that tells me I unzipped properly there was an issue some were so just in case any one else ever has the same issue they will know what to do to fix it. but Thank you for your reply

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