When I open up the bull cow game I get these messages
Failed to load /Game/StaticMeshes/SM_Player.SM_Player Referenced by Cube
Failed to load /Game/Levels/Level1_BuiltData.Level1_BuiltData Referenced by PersistentLevel
/Game/Terminal : Failed import for StaticMesh /Engine/BasicShapes/Cube.Cube [redirection] in /Game/Terminal Referenced by export StaticMeshComponent /Game/Terminal.Terminal_C:Cube_GEN_VARIABLE
I haven’t tried anything because I’m not sure what exactly I could do to fix this.
You need to save the level.
That fixed the issue about builtdata but I still get this issue:
Failed to load /Game/StaticMeshes/SM_Player.SM_Player Referenced by Cube
It doesn’t load the object that acts as the sign for the terminal to display on while still displaying the terminal.
There’s no component I could find called cube. I’ve looked through all of the content folders and through the world outliner but no cube. I do have the terminal blueprint however.
It’s on the Terminal actor.
I found the cube but it has no static mesh.
I’ve figured out the issue. I just added in my own cube static mesh and had to fix the scale but it works fine now.
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