below is my code for the completion of the Bull Cows game. Since it is still currently being remastered, I thought I would post in case anyone is having problems with the logic. Cheers!
int32 UBullCowCartridge::Bulls(FString BAnswer, FString BWord) const
int32 Bull=0;
for (int32 Index = 0; Index < BWord.Len(); Index++)
if (BAnswer[Index]==BWord[Index])
return Bull;
int32 UBullCowCartridge::Cows(FString CAnswer, FString CWord) const
int32 Cow=0;
for(int32 Index=0; Index < CWord.Len(); Index++)
for(int32 Comp=0; Comp < CWord.Len(); Comp++)
if (Comp!=Index && CAnswer[Index]==CWord[Comp])
return Cow;