Building Habits | 30 Day Project Challenge

I am committed to working 50+ hours/week on my project

My project will be in the following state in 30 days time:

  • The Demo will be scoped:
    • Each component will have a description (evernote)
    • Each component will have notes in list form regarding behavior & defining characteristics
    • The Demo will be Mind Mapped
    • The Trello backlog will be populated with many(several weeks worth) story type tasks
  • One of four player characters created: Soldier
  • Player can run around, shoot/melee enemies, take damage, deal damage
  • One enemy unit created: Robot Grunt
  • Enemy will roam around aimlessly and engage player on sight
  • No, or bear minimum, animations
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Hi there,

@Crimson_Mug Hope you were able to accomplish all that and more!

I’m at section 4 so here’s my MVP for the project I’m currently working on.

I’m curious, were you able to finish your project?


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