I’m working on a Mac with Unreal Engine 4.25.2. I’m moving on to the Building Escape project now, and I’m still having errors pop up in VS Code. I’m assuming this is related to the same problem with the “Defines” array in the .json file, but even when I copy and paste in the array and change the project names to match “BuildingEscape”, I’m still getting an error on the include line for “WorldPosition.generated.h” when I generate the “WorldPosition” component.
I’ve compiled in Unreal and it compiles without issue, but I’d really just like to finally get to the point where I don’t have errors popping up and can use autocomplete. I did the entire Bull Cow project with these errors, so I know it won’t prevent me from moving forward, but hoping someone can help because it’s starting to bother me that I’m not doing something right.
The error message:
" include errors detected. Please update your includePath. Squiggles are disabled for this translation unit (/Documents/Unreal Projects/BuildingEscape/Source/BuildingEscape/WorldPosition.cpp).C/C++(1696)
cannot open source file "WorldPosition.generated.h"C/C++(1696) "