Hello All,
I was going through this lecture saying whiskey, tango, foxtrot a lot. I couldn’t figure out what the lecturer wanted when he basically said get the transform of whatever “actor” using FString I was completely bamboolzed . Why would we need an FString to start with when we are getting transform variables. At first I came up with code that crashed Unreal, I was feeling chuffed with myself for that, if it’s one thing I do well is crash computer programs. Anyway, came up with another way that was different to the crash method, it did use FString (??) and GetTransform(), but, it gave all the info for the transform again not what we were specifically told, which was to get the X, Y & Z values. Then because I was getting frustrated watched the solution and still I wasn’t satisfied. From the way the lecturer described what we were trying to do, I though we had be able to get to the single values on the X, Y & Z axis you know like ("x: %i, y: %i, z: %i ), xPos, yPos, zPos and was extremely annoyed when that wasn’t the solution. Another 2 hours later playing around with the Docs, Google, and Intellisense and swearing a little more loudly
, and what I remembered from Unity, I finally found a method to extract the single values from Unreal and there was not an FString anywhere in sight - which caused all the problems for me in the first place.
I am so glad this is over . I am still of the opinion that getting the individual values is much more instructive than using the FString method(s).