Build Lighting causes Swarm to freeze

I noticed both in the tutorial and in my level the lighting was incorrect, so I tried to build the lighting but this froze when Unreal attempted to bring up Swarm. Is there something I did wrong? Or is light building something that we’ll be addressing later?

It can take a while, how long did you wait? And yes it is something that will be done in the course.

The editor freezes when it happens. I cannot click “Stop Build.” I’ve given it a few minutes before, but when I build the lighting on an example level, I never have this problem and it resolves in seconds. If building my lighting is addressed later in the course, I’ll just ignore the strange lighting effects for now and keep going through. Would you happen to know off the top of your head which lecture discusses it?

Unreal Frozen Swarm Connection

The course won’t go through the issue you’re having. It’s basically just doing what you did.

Have you tried verifying your engine installation?

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