[Bug] Viewport not showing inventory or scrolling - fixed

I’m following along in the Inventory Menu tutorial. I found a bug in Unity, and it’s known…and ignored, and I want to save someone in the future from some pain. My project is in Linux, but this is not restricted to Linux. I created my inventory and it worked…then didn’t. My inventory items wouldn’t show up (the background/ etc. did). In the Scene view, I could see the outlines of the inventory cells, but they were invisible. If I turned off the Mask on the Viewport, the inventory items would appear in both the Scene view and Game view, but all of the cells (those outside of the inventory menu as well). After many hours of comparing to the Tutorial example, rebuilding my Inventory Menu a couple of times, and more hours of internet searching, I found out this is a known Unity bug. The fix? Oh so simple. Replace the Mask on the Viewport with a Rect Mask 2D. Fixed in 10 seconds. Hope this helps someone else.

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That’s a good tip!

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