Bug that isn't a bug

I corrected the issue as discussed in the video for SuggestProjectVelocity not picking up on default values.

after compiling and testing I found that I was still failing to see an aiming solution every fifth frame. I began at the beginning dropping logs in to see where the issue was coming from. I made it all the way back to where I started with no issues. Stumped I made a copy of the log and was about to post a copy when I saw an old log I commented out that displays the tank name in the log. What I found, is in my world I have 3 ai tanks dropped at different points, and one of them just happened to be on the far side of the map, out of range and therefore, “no aiming solution found”. dragged the tank over, and the solution began logging.

Just thought it was frustrating to chase down a bug that wasn’t a bug, but on the flip side, it did demonstrate that the code and the game are working as intended.

as a side note, I have been building in 4.14.3, and the bug still exists in SuggestProjectVelocity.

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