Bug: Spamming fire allows for faster shooting

It seems that spamming the fire button allows for faster firing.
My guess is that fire() is called every frame, and when isFireing == false it stops the corutine (if there is any) and sets fireingCorutine to null.
since fire fireingCorutine == null, you could then press the fire button anew to start the coroutine again, creating another projectile.

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I just made a fix to this.
create a new bool hasFired = false;

in your Fire methods first if statment add: && hasFired == false . it should look like this:
if(isFireing && fireingCoroutine == null && hasFired == false)

in FireContinuesly add
hasFired = true;
Before the “yield return new WaitForSeconds(fireingRate);”
(i put those two lines just above it, after the “Destroy(instance, projectileLifetime);”)

make a new method like this
IEnumerator FireController()
yield return new WaitForSeconds(fireingRate);
hasFired = false;

all this will make sure that the FireContinuously() coroutine can’t be started before your fire rate delay has happened.


I solved this by getting rid of the StopCoroutine() completely, and letting the Coroutine end by itself when isFiring is false.

Fire() now looks like this:

    void Fire(){
        if(isFiring && firingCoroutine == null){
           firingCoroutine = StartCoroutine(FireContinuously());

The coroutine like this:

    IEnumerator FireContinuously(){
            GameObject currentProjectile = Instantiate(projectilePrefab, transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
            Rigidbody2D rb = currentProjectile.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();
            if(rb != null){
                rb.velocity = new Vector2(0, projectileSpeed);
            Destroy(currentProjectile, projectileLifeTime);
            yield return new WaitForSecondsRealtime(firingCoolDown);
        firingCoroutine = null;

So when the player stops firing, the coroutine still waits for our firing rate, then ends itself and sets the reference to null - which allows us to start a new coroutine if the player starts shooting. This way, when the player stops shooting the coroutine isn’t immediately deleted, but still has to wait for the firing delay.


This is not a bug, the code was written for the player to have a 0 fire rate. Unfortunately, changing the player’s baseFiringRate will result in a random fire rate - which was intended for the AI. You can control this by changing the code in the coroutine that chooses the time to the next projectile

In the coroutine, add a check for useAI and only pick a random value if it is the AI

            float timeToNextProjectile = baseFiringRate;
            if (useAI)
                timeToNextProjectile = Random.Range(baseFiringRate - firingRateVariance,
                                            baseFiringRate + firingRateVariance);

Now you can control the player’s firing rate as well as the AI’s firing rate

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