Bug report with struct FBullCowCount Lesson

Ok so I entered the code in lesson 83 of

  struct FBullCowCount {    int32 Bulls = 0;     int32 Cows = 0; }; 

and after I did, then VS Code got upset and threw the error. “this declaration has no storage class or type specifier” and red lined line 19 for the GENERATED_BODY()
Can one of the lesson instructors explain why I am getting this error? He didn’t get the error in the video, but I myself am getting the error? I am using UE 4.27.2

EDIT: Update, I don’t know what happened, but sudden VS Code changed it’s mind and was happy and the red lines went away. So what gives here??

Never rely on IntelliSense for giving you accurate errors. If it compiles then IntelliSense is wrong about it being an error.

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