Bug - CheckPassword - resetting password when incorrect


I am really enjoying this class so far!

Per the game design, I feel that there is a bug in the CheckPassword code.

void CheckPassword(string input)
        if (input == password)
            AskForPassword();  <-------------

When you AskForPassword it will reset the password and then run the anagram. If I am understanding the design correctly, the idea is to only rerun the anagram so as to give a further hint to the correct password. Not reset password again.

void AskForPassword()
    currentScreen = Screen.Password;
    SetRandomPassword(); <----------------
    Terminal.WriteLine("Enter your password, hint: " + password.Anagram());

A possible solution to this could be to only set the random password in the RunMainMenu method.

                level = int.Parse(input);
                SetRandomPassword(); <-------------------------

Thank you again for creating all this content. I am looking forward to the next section!


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You are right on that. I’ve found it weird when I saw it resetting. Your solution is correct too.

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