BSP Collision

The BSP collision method was deleted before it was shown in applicable use. How would you feasibly apply this to a project? Wouldn’t the new mesh just be sitting there visible in the scene? Would you disable the visibility of the mesh and just use the collision?

He just shows blocking out a simple BSP and converting to a mesh, but it’s still visible in the world. I get that it’s a “in a pinch” method, but it’s not fully elaborated on on an actual use case. Just want to make sure I fully understand the use.

BSPs are meant to used for quick prototyping of mesh objects or levels as part of a method known as “blocking”. In which you block-out the areas of your level or object to get a feel for proportions or see if there are holes in the design.

Ideally, you’d replace the mesh and collision with a completed piece from an artist or the art team once the design is finalized.

Right, but as he explains, you might get a final piece of art where the collision is wrong and you don’t have access to the art files to change them directly yourself.

That’s when he introduced blocking out the shape with BSP, and converting to mesh that way “when you’re in a pinch”. He doesn’t show actually using it. In his example, the blocked out gray mesh is still visible. I’m just wondering how you’re supposed to use it that way. Do you disable rendering the mesh and just use it as a collision?

Honestly to me that’s more effort than just using the collision primitives in the static mesh editor.

You can certainly disable rendering the mesh and only use collision. There’s a “Rendering” category for mesh components and there’s a box for hiding the visible part of the actor.



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