Bridging edge loops

I had a massive problem with this one, the project is meant to be low poly but every adjustment I did to bridge together some pieces together gave the pawns way too much geometry. Wound up having to remove The Stanians Mantle since it wouldn’t work with my current experience, and manually scaled and moved each vertex with snapping to make sure there was no overlapping geometry.
At least I have a better understanding of how different pieces will fit together when bridging edge loops.


Sorry to hear that. At least you learned from your mistakes :slight_smile:

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I’m not sure what you trying to say. For me I would design 3 objects.
Two persons and one base tile. The base would be a linked duplicate for maintenance reasons.

There is no real need to make the person and base joined together as in one mesh.
You can have Two different meshes (base and person) in one object, with out any connection.

Combining multiple object can also be done using Empties. You will learn these techniques.

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The base is originally separate from the character model. The character models themselves are made by mostly using extrusion and edge loop cuts but there are a few bits made with other pieces. As per the lesson there is supposed to be no overlapping geometry and to use the bridge edge loop function to get everything together quickly. I couldn’t get the function to work for me without creating tons of geometry which is what I’m trying to avoid.

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