Bridges between courses

I don’t know if this idea is enough for a course, or it would be better like a bonus content in the existing ones.

Your courses are fantastic, but they seem to me a little like islands. You learn a lot in the Blender courses, where you can make fantastic assets, characters or environments. In Unity or Unreal, you learn the basics (or no so basics) of making games but with free assets. In gimp you can make icons, 2D images and sprites. But there is no information on how to put all of this together.

I have learn Unity; now, for personal motives, I have jumped to Unreal. I am making good enough assets in Blender and I will begin to make characters soon enough. I would really like to export my creations on Unreal (or Unity) to make my own game.

So that’s it, a course, or bonus material, or mini-course, of how to go between blender (or gimp) and Unreal and Unity.

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