BP library variable

Can I pass a variable value to macro library to another blueprint ?

create a count_num = 0 (int), each execution in BP_1 will +1 into value
create a macro library CountLib to store new value then add new value to Macro Library variable
in BP_2 display that result

Can I do it ?

Thank you,


Is there something specific that we’re trying to enable in relation to this goal?


I put an UI Widget over pawn’s head to count each crystals destroyed. My solution was put an count variable to Crystal Blue Print where function Destroy executed, each destroy will add +1 to the variable then send result over Pawn Blue Print to display on widget

My video attached is demonstrating the widget count each time pawn collided (actually I try to count each time crystal destroyed but could not figure out how to send variable to pawn blue print

Thank you,

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