BowlMaster Enhanced edition

Here Is my version of Bowl Master:
BowlMaster on GameJolt

List of changes:

  • Added baked and real time lighting (it took me like 2 days to figure out how lighting in unity works :confused: )
  • Added enviroment elements (columns, floor, walls, blocades, gutters)
  • Added menu system (dowloaded from asset store, modified it, currently not all settings are wired up with functions becouse i didn’t have time for doing it)
  • Writed own versions of tests and scripts (‘ScoreMaster’, ‘ActionMaster’ etc)
  • Builded versions for Windows/Android/WebGL (all works fine)
  • Experimented with own values of physics and set them to playable
  • Shortened length from ball to pins to make game more easier
  • Changed the way of how and when checking of pins settling should be done
  • Added music
  • Changed the way how files are located in project folder
  • Added a condition that upward swipe speed should be greater than a threshold value in order to register as a launch

As always here is link for my repo where you can find builds and all codes:

Very Nice mnijaki. When i tried to use the mouse to move the ball it is not moving am I missing something?

Cool! The menu is really nice - I may have to check that one out myself.

Hmm strange, on my computer it works well.
What browser are you using (I runned it on chrome)?
Maybe your speed of launching a ball is too low? I made protection from too low velocity of launching a ball. Can you check if this is the problem?

I will check the on my father PC to make sure all is ok.

Ps. thx for testing :slight_smile:

I am using Mozilla Quantum. My OS is Win 10, I am not doing anything but opening the game in game-bucket.

I hope this helps,

Hmm i tested it on muliple devices and it works fine… Don’t have any idea why it not working in your case :confused:

On my repo there is also version for windows, you can check that if you want

I cleared the cache for both Edge and Quantum and cannot get the ball to move. If you are happy with your game that is all that matters. You did a great job!

Thx mate :slight_smile:

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