Bowling Scene & Animation

Hey guys, wanted to share my work on the third section of the course.

Also, does anyone know why in my animation, my pins don’t want to stay steady on the ground? They fall through the floor as if the bottom was ethereal :confused:

And the animation -

  • Check the origin of the pin (needs to be low (the physical gravity centre)
  • The pin needs to be floating a bit over the ground floor.
  • Check the flatness of the pin

It seemed to be completely flat at the bottom, but when I removed the bit that seemed to go under the floor and add a new face for the bottom it seems to work now. I set the origin of the pin to the center of mass (volume) as it seemed to be the most realistic option, and it works way better now!

The other question I have is, when my pins fall after being hit, the top of the pin glitches through the floor a bit, but corrects itself once the initial force of the impact is dissipated, is this just the physics engine trying it’s best or is there a way to fix that?

This is what I mean - one of the pins is in the ground, passing through it (although it fixes itself later on in the animation) and the other one goes inside it


If I can remember it correctly, there is a margin in the distance how Blender can detect a collision or not.

I have seen others creating fast-moving balls, where it looked like the pins where transparent. But in fact, frame N, the ball was just before the pins and frame n+1 just after the pins. Blender can not calc in between.
Or in your case, on the edge of things. “the physics engine trying it’s best”.

Maybe adding more vertices can solve this. Giving Blender more means to calculate it more accurate.
Or try a slightly different trajectory, so that these pins do not fall in a too obvious wrong configuration.

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That actually makes sense, I was thinking about the same thing! So, in theory, if I were to slow down the animation, so that there are more frames, it should fix it?

You can try.
Use render engine “Workbench”, and low resolution 640x480. For a quick test render.
Maybe also, use “even” render frames (125 in stead of 250 frames) just to see if it works out.

Well, the top of the pin just loves going through the floor. After I lazily inset every face on the pin the calculation seems to be way better, as it does not go in the floor as much and reacts to the ball hitting it much quicker, as you said, more vertices forcing blender to calculate better. I’m actually glad I found out that it works in such a way because it means I know what to watch out for in the future, thank you for your help!
before adding vertices - tryin to slow down the animation

after adding a lot of vertices lazily

Thank you for your help!

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Great study! You have learned a lot!
For sure there will be more tricks you can learn.

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