Bowling Pins fall over about frame 60?

I am trying to complete challenge 55 of the Beginners Course where we put a lot of bowling pins on a plain and try to knock them down using a bowling ball and Blender physics. In my model all the pins start to fall down before the ball even reaches them. The pins are stable until about frame 60. Can anyone suggest what I’ve done wrong?

Back to the drawing board! I’ve been through so many iterations of the pin that I can’t find the one where I flattened the bottom. At least I’ve learned quite a bit about how Blender works. Things which took me hours to figure out, I can now do in minutes.

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Well that’s good to here, Things which took me hours to figure out, I can now do in minutes. That is what the process is mostly about. As my wife would say “Practice makes practice”. Good Job Glenson_Jones.

Well, I sorted it oput and finished the challenge.
It isn’t perfect but I’ve learned a lot. There are still things which puzzle me but I’ll work away at it.

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