Bowling Final Render

Started out with a very small cycles render which took almost half an hour hehe. Then I did a 1080 render with Evee. I was a bit frustrated with evee back in the shadows video, but I’m appreciating it right now for animation.

From my previous posts I lowered the factor on my pin scuffing a little so they look a bit cleaner. I also fixed the weird wobbly physics I had going on before. Turns out it was the pivot point of my pins tripping me up. It seems the origin of an object has an impact on weight distribution in the blender physics engine.

Animation cycles:

Animation Evee (1080):

Final cycles render:

Strrrrike! Would be fun to come back to this project later and make a cartoon animation like they put on the screens in the bowling alleys.


Videos are not playing for me, but render looking good. Nice logos on the pins and colors in the scene

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