Bowling blend

I seem to get too much noise when I render with cycles.


Good bowling scene.

The course needs more emphatic explanation about the renderer differences.

Cycles is the proper renderer, traces direct light paths. BUT that makes it slow. So people tend to have low samples to reduce the time it takes, which then looks ‘noisy’. There is a ‘cheat’, well a well established solution, called ‘denoising’. They hide the box to tick for that low low down on the ‘Layer Properties’ tab while Cycles is selected as renderer. Which does a good job most of the time. Nothing is as good as big samples though!

Evee is a game engine style renderer. They need to work in real time, obviously. Which has now been added to Blender. Very useful while working to get a better idea of how things are looking. It has big compromises to achieve this, but many aspects can be added tweaked to improve it at the cost of the speed! Get to animation and hundreds of image renders for a few seconds movement and Evee is a boon.


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