Bowling ball smash scene

I find that getting the pins falling over to look realistic is challenging, it is hard to replicate how pins would naturally fall, well I found it difficult anyway. Here’s my scene. Oh and if I forgot to mention before, I have been rendering all my work with cycles, I just prefer it.


Looking good!

As with all things Blender realted there are many approaches to make it more natural that you can take. The three that come to my mind are:

  • My rule of thumb if I’m unsure how it would look like in real life is to search for references and replicate that.
  • Physics also can be simulated in Blender (but IIRC the course at this stage don’t get into it, but if you are interested in it Default Cube has a nice tutorial on this).
  • You could take it to some game engine and simulate there (I actually did this and it looked nice in unreal).

And I also like cycles more - being full path tracing will give more realistic lighting. The cost is render time. Which is not a problem for simpler scenes, but it can get very cumbersome with more complex ones.

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Nice Bowling Ball and Floor :slight_smile:

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