Bowling Ball - Sharp Edge on Curved surface

Hi Mike,
Thank you for your great course lecture on Blender 3D.
I have a question on section 3/ Lecture 54. For the bowling ball, The number triangles in Object mode is showing 2136 and in Edit mode , the number of triangle is 386.
Could you please clarify , the reason for the differences and which mode ( object or edit) we should consider when we count the number of edges, vertex, triangles…
Please refer the screen shot for details
I am using blender 3.0 version .

Thank you for your reply

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I think you have a subdivision surface modifier on your mesh.
Modifiers don’t make permanent changes to your mesh, so the number of faces won’t show up in edit mode unless you apply the subdivision surface.


zeRgenTa has it right. Modifiers, in you case a subdivision modifier creates extra verts 'in theory or ‘mathamatically’ they are not real verts until the modifier is applied. Edit mode counts real verts, it is what is is dealing with and acting on.
Object mode knows there are extra verts being created mathematically.
If you export to some other format most modifiers are applied and the model gets the full vert count.

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