Bowling alley vision

Once i had finished Garden Glitch and went to the next section of the course i got a little excited for the bowling alley game so much so that i had a vision in my head of how i would like it to look so i took to blender and knocked up some basic designs that i wanted for the game and i started to really get carried away i just wanted to share what i came up with before cracking on with the course, and once i start the course i hope i can have a final image close to this:

Pins Lined up

for the wood flooring i wasn’t sure if shine would be better or not as i wanted the detail to really pop from the view of the camera, i also wasn’t sure if the pins were tall enough.

Bowling Ball ready to Strike

there is a nice gradient on the ball that doesn’t really show well on this shot it goes from the purple that you see to a dark blue.

Gutters (free from leaves)

Far Shot

at the back here i made up a score board which i am wanting the canvas to overlay the board to show the score.
for some real detail i want to get to create some chairs with the computer for controlling the scores at the back here for extra detail, but was unsure as the only time i could use this to be shown is maybe in the main menu scene so i don’t know if i willl put that in.

still not sure about alot of colours so i will play with different things to see what looks best.
thanks for looking.

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