Boost or Bust

Not every menace shows up straight away… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Will you reach level 6?

testing notes:
it seems my system is not loading shadows in webgl builds, according to unity forums it’s a known issue on some windows based machines, please let me know if you encounter the same bug while playing.

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I think it was working okay here - nothing looked out of the ordinary… Just curious: did you force a “generate lighting” before you built it?

Hey Carlo,

Well done. It plays and is Very responsive. I live the fog you put in and having it in a room felt right. I have to say it was challenging as I had to play it a number of times to get even to level 4. Very fun game. Well done. :slight_smile:


@JackDraak thanks for checking out my game!
I have “generated lighting” for each level, i wonder now if that’s interfering with realtime shadows… I’m going to study some more on course’s lectures, when the issue will be resolved i’ll try making the game look a little more out of the ordinary :smiley:

@JennBren Hi, i’m glad you like the look of the room, it’s inspired by a game i love called Naissancee.
Do you think the game is too hard to play?

Hey Carlo,

I was able to complete the levels you had, but I admit I kinda used the knowledge that you could crash into the landing pad and get credit. I kinda played it more like I was missile guidance than trying to land a rocket.


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