Hey everyone I used the Boolean Modifier to create the arch on blender 2/9. 2.9 auto updates the modifier, so if I remove the cylinder it becomes a regular wall again. It also doesn’t seem to add any vertexes to the arch to allow me to mold or change it.
When you use the boolean modifier, you are working in a nondestructive mode.
You can edit the wall properties and edit the cylinder.
We try to keep things nondestructive. But how to hide the cylinder.
For the cylinder switch off the render option. And make it wireframe view.
The other destructive way of working, is to APPLY the modifier. The boolean is applied, the hole is made in the mesh. Remove the cylinder. You can never go back! So , make a new version of your .blend
file before doing the destructive way.
If you do not want to apply a modifier then with boolean you need to ‘hide’ the cutter object. Both from the viewport and the render. Or use FedPete’s way until you are happy where it is but need to see it in the viewport until you are happy with it.
On my image, look at the outliner and the things I have next to the eye icon and I have turned ‘off’. Really you should enable all those icons from that funnel icon dropdown above them.
The left cube.001 has nothing hidden so you see the cutter everywhere, viewport and render.
The list view option, proposed by NP5, is the same option showed by me.
I added the render hide info as I can see the next question, why is it still there in the render!
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