Boolean Lesson

Hi, I am having issues on the Boolean Lesson for the Low Poly Landscapes Course. For some reason after I follow the steps, the cylinder shape is not being cut out of the land. Is there a reason as to why this is happening?

I notice that the boolean modifier works when I tried it on 2 cubes so I’m not sure why it isn’t working on the object being used as the ground for the landscape.
Screen Shot 2021-11-19 at 2.44.53 PM

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Why is the cylinder based on only edges and no faces?
Now the cylinder hasn’t a volume, only a wireframe.
Blender doesn’t know how to handle this.

Use a new cylinder.

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General Q&A note
Please give full screenshots with any questions. With the relevant panels open.
Also include the lecture time that is relevant to the problem/issue.
This can be done by Blender itself, via the ‘Window’ menu bar top left hand side. On that menu drop down is ‘save screenshot’.
Close ups additionally where they help.

Reason being, to help we need information.
Is the wireframe just the display of it having been changed to wireframe?
Have you put the modifier on the ground not on the cylinder by mistake?
Show, include that modifier panel open.

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In the object properties settings, I had display as “Wire” selected so I could see better as stated in the lecture. It’s under Section 3: The Landscape - Booleans.

Here is a screenshot with more information on what I have everything set to. I am trying to get the smaller shape to cut into the base/ground area so I can create a lake.

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Have you selected the correct Cutter cylinder?

Simple but obvious first check. lol.

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Lol yes I’ve selected the correct one. I tried using only the boolean modifier on another object and it worked fine. So I think it may have something to do with the combination of modifiers I have on this object. But I’m not sure how to fix it.

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Try swapping the order of the modifiers. It should work as they are but worth a try. Youi can grab a modifier by its top right corner ‘thumbpiece’ and drag it up or down past other ones to reorder them. Mind you I tested that and it works the way you have it and stops the other order.

Another ‘trick’ is to open a new file and append the objects into it. This can remove any random odd effects that might have been accidental key presses.

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Why are you using solidify modifier?

Grant does that in this LP landscape course.

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So I ended up just starting the base area over and added the boolean again. For some reason, it’s working now lol. I have no clue what I did originally to make it not work but looks like I’m good now. Thank you all for the help!


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