Hello there all, I have a weird issue, where a simple boolean condition is causing my system to crash
and it provides to following
"Assertion failed: IsRotationNormalized() [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Math\TransformVectorized.h] [Line: 472] "
According to chatgpt it means that my transform Ik rig values are not normalized.
I want my leg to go up when the user is holding RMB as a condition, so when the user is holding RMB the bool is set to true,this is the blueprint.
and in the animgraph state machine between the idle and the leg lifting the condition is obviously the bool, is holding RMB
if it executes well then a logic is being set for a variable - “leg lift” and this variable is fed to an ik rig node location pin.
This only happens with an ik rig and a boolean and a hold/ hold and released/ trigger ongoing pin
Attaching image for context [P
I did try to use an event tick and to set the variables with a dynamic get socket location, so that it will receive each second a value thus normalizing them rather then no value at all.