Bone and Stem doesnt move togheter

Hi. I got this problem that maybe is correlated to the version, cause Mikey use 2.75 and I use 2.79
First of all when I am selecting the bone it entered in Pose mode Automatically and dont into Obj Mode, Secondo One If I move Both bones they didnt move with all Stem and lower arm!
Someone help? Here a screen and the file

LampScene.blend (651.0 KB)

Ok hope I can explain this in a helpful fashion. Thanks for providing the blend file that let me test it on my own. Step one: In the outliner select the stem and drag and drop it onto the far left line. This will remove it from the armatuer. Step 2: In object mode select the armature. That should highlight both bones. With the bones selected switch over to pose mode. Emediatly switch back to object mode(dont push tab to do this. Do it in the menu). Step 3: Select the stem hold shift and select the lower bone of the armature. Next press ctrl p and select bone. This should parent the lower bone to the stem. Hop back into pose mode and test it out. Hope this helps out.

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As soon as I come back I try out Thanks :slight_smile:

Yes it works. Not clear the last part but It works. Thnak you man!!!
I probably miss the part of CTRL+P and select Bone. I selected Object probably when I tried!

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