Blurry background image

I think I have a problem with the background image that I am trying to use with this project. At first, it looked fine but then I did something (not sure what) and it was all blurry and wouldn’t fit in the camera area that it was supposed to fit in. I tried different things trying to fix it and I don’t know if I need to just start this project over from scratch or what. I took a screen shot of my screen to show you how it looks now to see just by looking at that what the problem might or should I just go back to the beginning of this project lesson and start over?

If I set the camera to the same settings as Rick instructs, it doesn’t work right. So here are my settings in camera view.

Here is a screenshot of the camera settings:

Hi Penny,

I see you have the background image as a GameObject on the root of the Hierarchy, I haven’t reviewed the updated course content yet, but in the original it was a child of the Canvas. Might be worth checking the lecture which adds the background image.

I moved it under Canvas but that it did not appear to change anything. My main camera size is 132.9826 where Rick’s is 6. I’m afraid that is going to cause a problem later on if I don’t get that resolved now but I don’t know how to fix it. If I change it to 6, I can’t even see my image – it totally disappears into never never land and I have to locate it again and bring it back into view.

Here’s another screen shot of my image attributes. I have tried to resizing the image on the screen side to fit my camera location but it makes so small I can even find on the screen or in the game screen. It’s getting frustrating. I’m about to just give up on even having a background image – at least for now. Maybe I just focus on the other aspects of the game until I can figure out the images.

Crossing my fingers – I may have gotten it fixed finally. I went back through part of previous lesson where Rick is putting in his background and image and explaining the pixels and I followed those instructions improvising for the size of my image and it looks right now. I had to downsize all of my other objects though because they were all too big.

Hi Penny,

Well done, sounds like you are referring to the Pixels Per Unit setting?

So, you are happy with where things are now?

Yeah, the Pixels per Unit setting – that’s right. I didn’t catch it that well the first time around. Sometimes Rick talks too fast and I miss things. I slowed him down the second time around so I wouldn’t miss anything – only problem is when I slowed him, he almost sounded like he was drunk – haha. I like Rick though. He’s funny sometimes. It makes learning interesting and fun.

I think it’s going okay now. I think this game will be fine unless I run into another issue along the way. Hopefully, I won’t.

Thanks for your help


Drunk you say… This I will have to test, hehe… I am usually doing things the opposite when trying to find a specific part of the course that a student has referred to and then have the instructors on x2 speed, that can also be entertaining :slight_smile:

Glad things are going well again, any other issues just post and I’m sure someone will lend a hand if needed. :slight_smile:

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