Blueprint runtime error preventing UI color change

I’m using engine version 4.14.3 and I can’t figure out what is wrong here… The aiming color stays fixed to yellow, even when I change the initial firing state in the code. I’ve re-created the blueprint configuration after getting a crash the first time (just like in the video), but continue to get the same error:

Error Blueprint Runtime Error: Accessed None trying to read property BP Aiming Component Reference from function: 'Get_AimPoint_ColorAndOpacity_0' from node: Return Node in graph: Get_AimPoint_ColorAndOpacity_0 in object: PlayerUI_BP with description: Accessed None trying to read property BP Aiming Component Reference

Why is the BP Aiming Component Reference returning None? My blueprint:

I figured this out, the mistake happened in the previous lecture. At 7:50 Ben connects the “Add to Viewport” exec to the “Set BP Aiming Comp. Reference” exec while also cleaning up the blueprint. I missed making that connection and thought it was only cleanup being done, so my “BP Aiming Component Reference” was never set, returning None when referenced.


Thank you for this!

Seems like it does not solve the problem for me. I still have the same issue even if i am using this BP structure

I am using UE4.26.2

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